How to Add ATH Token to MetaMask
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If you're able to purchase both ATH and ETH on Arbitrum network, then you can send both tokens directly to the Edge app wallet and skip this section. (Check the Staking Schedule page for info on how much ATH you'll need to stake.)
However, if you've purchased ATH tokens on a centralized exchange, you'll likely need to withdraw them to a hot wallet like Metamask so that we can bridge the tokens to Arbitrum network and send it to your Edge app wallet for staking.
This section will show you how to add ATH to your Metamask wallet on both Arbitrum and Ethereum networks.
Arbitrum ATH Token Address: The ATH token address on Arbitrum is 0xc87b37a581ec3257b734886d9d3a581f5a9d056c.
Ethereum ATH Token Address: The ATH token address on Ethereum is 0xbe0ed4138121ecfc5c0e56b40517da27e6c5226b.
Add Arbitrum Network: Open your MetaMask wallet and ensure you are connected to the Arbitrum network. If you are not connected to Arbitrum, you will need to add it as a custom network in MetaMask.
Import Token: In your MetaMask wallet, click on "Import tokens."
Paste Token Address: Paste the ATH token address (0xc87b37a581ec3257b734886d9d3a581f5a9d056c for Arbitrum and 0xbe0ed4138121ecfc5c0e56b40517da27e6c5226b for Ethereum) into the "Token Address" field. The token symbol (ATH) and decimals of precision (18) should auto-populate.
Add Token: Click on the "Add Custom Token" button to add the ATH token to your MetaMask wallet.
Once you have completed these steps, you should see the ATH token balance in your MetaMask wallet.
You can now use it to interact with decentralized applications (dApps) that support the ATH token.